Friday, November 07, 2008

I want to be your friend! Add me!!

Nope it's not for Facebook. I don't have that much friends in Facebook. What happened was that for the last 2 days, I've had like 29 people on xboxlive wanting to add me as a friend. What the fuck? I didn't know i'm so popular or did pictures of me being naked while playing Gears of War just got uploaded on to xboxlive?

Nah... It's all because of Fable 2...

You guys know that some people call me an 'Achievement Whore' because of how I like to grind for that 1000 achievement points for every game. Of course, Fable 2 would be 1 of them which I really tried. Last I checked, I'm at 990 points, just 1 achievement away.

Anyway, there was this really hard achievement called the 'completionist' achievement, where you had collect all the expressions, dog tricks and abilities in order to get it. One of these achievement is only obtainable if you have brought the Fable 2 pub games, which I happened to have.

When I posted in a Fable 2 forum that I've got the achievement for 'completionist', i unwittingly started a 'Anskiere's bestest friend' trend. Those blokes just wanted to be my friend and join my game so that they can get that achievement as well.

Initially, it was okay helping out a few guys but damn... at the rate that people are adding me, i can't find the time nor effort to help every single one of them. Some which I've help was nice people who tried to help me get some other achievements which I haven't got. Some were plain assholes who didn't even said thanks. There was even this bloke who tried to kill my wife in my game...

Enough is enough. I thought I was an 'achievement whore' but these people are worse. They achievement whores with nothing to boost cause the only way they can get achievements is to leech on others.

So to the rest of the 29 fellows who tried to add me, too bad. I'll just hit the delete key.

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