Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm dead tired

Sigh... these few days have been crazy. The little bugger is one crazy doggie. He's currently a bit sick but still damn hyper active. We have to take extra care to ensure that he don't play until he's too tired. Plenty of rest for him.

Talking about rest, we thought that letting him stay in his playpen would be good. just give him a comfortable matress and his toys and he should be contented. But we've forgotten one simple fact. No animal likes to be caged. Even for a puppy. It was okay at first but after the second day, keeping him in the pen is impossible. The way he whines to be let out, there's simply no fighting it...

Sigh... Didn't expect that the playpen would be obsolete after a mere 2 days. My brother recently said that i was cruel to keep Lucas in a cage. I guess that's not a problem anymore...

Anyway, regardless of how naughty he is, this one look will make me forget all the mischief he has done...


Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm a daddy now!

To those reading my blog, please don't get too excited.

On a lazy sunday afternoon, my wife and me went to various pet farms to take a look. It's not really a shopping trip as we used to do this quite often, just to kill time.

However, when we saw 'him', our hearts just melted...

You all know that I used to have a pug (Ah boy) who has passed away after a good long life (full of food). I always wanted to get another pug but to even spot one in a pet shop was hard enough. Let alone see one that has such good features.

Pugs has always been a very problematic breed of dogs. They have weight problems, eye problems, heart and lungs problems. They snore, sneeze and would sell their soul for a hamburger. They are not an easy pet to take care of if you want to keep them happy and healthy. In the USA, the number of abandon pugs are astronomical, partly due to the popularity of the dog after the movies 'Men in black 1 and 2' and people realising how much it takes to take care of a pug AFTER they've brought them.

It's not easy...

Anyway, when we first saw him, it seems that he took an instant liking to me and my wife. The feeling was really mutual and we can't take our eyes off him. However, he seems to be a bit sick, coughing and sneezing. My first thought was then about donut's blog. When he saw his 'Angel' at a farm, his first worries was that she might not survive another day there if he doesn't bring her home. The same thought was going through my mind.

After much discussion over a cup of coffee, my wife and me decided to take the plunge... We brought him.

First thing in order was to book an appointment with the vet on monday. Then next thing was to bring him home. This little bugger is soooo hyper active. I know most puppies are but hey! He's a pug! He's supposed to eat sleep and do nothing useful!

Anyway, i know he was nursing a cough but when we asked the pet farm fellow if he is on medication, that fellow just told us to feed him some 'pipa gao'. Wah lao... I'm not even sure that works!??!! What the hell? I think that statement was the one that made us bring him back. I was really worried for his life.

All was well until late at night. He started wheezing and coughing. With us being so worried, we brought him to a 24hrs vet. What got us so shock was that he was burning a fever of 40.2 degree... that really high even for a dog... Despite of the cost, we decided to let him spend a night at the hospital (bill is around $600).

Just this morning, my wife brought him back home, healthier but fussy about taking his medication.

At least, we've saved his life considering that he'll only be fed 'pipa gao' if we left him at the doggie farm.

:) well guys, meet my son.

ps: i haven't named him yet but my wife calls him ooglong cha. damn. :)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Ever had the feeling of being stuck between a solid stone wall and a speeding train heading your way? That's exactly how i'm feeling right now.

I always had a lousy career but never in my life felt worse than what i'm experiencing right now. I'm in a department which i have nothing to do. Things are going nowhere. Worse still, my ex-boss is asking me to go back to my previous department (aka "Hell"). With my job searching turning up fruitless, i've given her the word and promised to go back.

I always had the impression that HR takes forever to get things done. I thought this would buy me some time while i search frantically for another job. Well, it would be at least a month before anything actually happens right?

WRONG! My boss told me this morning that everything is settled with HR and i can move over to my new department on monday. Hell i thought... Just go over and sit tight first, at least until after Christmas while looking for someplace else to go.

No... I received some good news from a job agency. Apparently this company which i went for interview, which i had thought they've written me off, is ready to make an offer.

Damn... What am i going to tell my ex-boss? She have a fearsome reputation. My previous colleague who tried to resign got his resignation letter torn to pieces...

I'm thinking to myself... If i got to go, i've got to go. How can a company don't let me go??? Nevertheless, I'm being gripped by fear. No... It's sheer horror... Of breaking the news to my boss.

I sincerely pray i don't get run down by her BMW...