Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Ever had the feeling of being stuck between a solid stone wall and a speeding train heading your way? That's exactly how i'm feeling right now.

I always had a lousy career but never in my life felt worse than what i'm experiencing right now. I'm in a department which i have nothing to do. Things are going nowhere. Worse still, my ex-boss is asking me to go back to my previous department (aka "Hell"). With my job searching turning up fruitless, i've given her the word and promised to go back.

I always had the impression that HR takes forever to get things done. I thought this would buy me some time while i search frantically for another job. Well, it would be at least a month before anything actually happens right?

WRONG! My boss told me this morning that everything is settled with HR and i can move over to my new department on monday. Hell i thought... Just go over and sit tight first, at least until after Christmas while looking for someplace else to go.

No... I received some good news from a job agency. Apparently this company which i went for interview, which i had thought they've written me off, is ready to make an offer.

Damn... What am i going to tell my ex-boss? She have a fearsome reputation. My previous colleague who tried to resign got his resignation letter torn to pieces...

I'm thinking to myself... If i got to go, i've got to go. How can a company don't let me go??? Nevertheless, I'm being gripped by fear. No... It's sheer horror... Of breaking the news to my boss.

I sincerely pray i don't get run down by her BMW...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fight through the pain and take down tat godamn locust queen. You will survive just prepare multiple copies of ur resignation letter.