Thursday, September 25, 2008

Permission Granted

Permission granted. That sounds like a familiar phase. Reminds me of asking permission in secondary school to go to the toilet. Or even applying for an off day back in army.

Somehow, a lot of my friends like to schedule outings/meet-ups on friday night or weekends. This sort of creates complications for me. Friday is my "Dinner at in-laws" night so usually i'm not free. Saturday, also happens to be a "Go out with mom-in-law" day, which again leave me pretty much tied up. Sunday happens to be the day which i can have a bit of free time which i spend with my wife cleaning up our messy home. Occassionally, my folks will drop by and see? I'm not free again.

I know sometimes my friends felt that i'm scared of my wife and doesn't have my own life. Any outing requires ample notice and even sometimes when my wife said to go ahead, she can forget my schedule in an instant.

What I'm trying to say is that truthfully, i really do enjoy spending time with my in-laws. My mother-in-law works part-time and sometimes, listening to her complaint about her horrible workplace does help her release stress. I'm all for that. After all, it didn't feel right to leave 2 lonely old folks at home to eat dinner by themselves. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

Sigh... If only the weekend would last longer...


Anonymous said...

Dude, we know each other well and long enough..if you are happy then thats enough.
But my gripe is that 1 friday night out of so many in a year. surely that can be managed right?

Kelvin Tan said...

Well, i can't make everyone happy i supposed...

I guess that's why sometimes i just want to hide at home and rot...

Anonymous said...

Anyway u know I always got ur back.