Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kelvin vs PC

Personal Computer. I always thought that there was a nice ring to it. It is the product that changed the face of the world. Without technological personal computers, we would still be playing paper and pencil RPG games. Hey... maybe that's too superficial to look at it from a gaming point of view. But hell, you get the idea.

I always like PCs, so much so that all i wanted to do when i was in secondary school was to become a programmer. I always wanted to do comscience, for the purpose of advancing the future of mankind. Okay. That's bull shit. :)

Anyway, I alway have a love-hate relationship with PCs.

Back when i was living in Simei, I decided that I needed a new PC. So i brought one from Sim Lim (self assembled), with my brother's help of course. It was weird stuff... The PC has a habit of switching itself on and off. Or even a slight knock on it will result in it refusing to start up for 2 days.

When i shifted to my new place in SengKang, i decided it's time to get rid of the old PC and get a new and more stable one. Splashing out a thousand, i got another one. With my brother's help again from Sim Lim (where else?)

This was supposed to be good. same model which my brother is using, cool look, dual core, window media center and of course running on Vista.

This time, it was worse. After one month, media center refuses to work. and just a week back, the PC will run for an average of 1 minute 30 second and then hang... I'm at my wits end now... To attempt to reformat and lose all my movies? Or simply just junk it and get a Mac...

Time to shout for help!

ps: Somehow, this post is not showing up on my blog despite of me publishing it... weird... let me try to fix that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get a mac bro.