Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here i go again

Damn... My blogging frequency sucks. I've came to realise that the only time i blog are the times when my company's firewall goes down. Other than that, i can't seems to be bothered to blog...

Anyway, just a bit of what i've been up to recently...

3 interviews to 2 different companies and none wanted to hire me... For 2 of the interviews, i was pretty sure i've nailed it. The age old saying of not counting your eggs before they hatch held so true. I guess i figured how it works... The more you want the job, the less chances of you getting it.

Work sucks... apart from having nothing much to do, there's really nothing much for me to do. I spend countless hours in office thinking of what to do, acting busy doing nothing. Hell... I even felt bother getting paid for not contributing much.

It's a cruel world out there. thousands lost their jobs (with the big companies in financial troubles) and here i am with a job but living life aimlessly.

Perhaps i should not think so much. It's thursday and it's my games day. can't wait to get home and lose myself in the gaming world with my friends. A brief reprive from reality...

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