Monday, October 08, 2007

Halo3 is out! And I posted so late!! :)

25th September was the day of reckoning. Halo3 is finally launching on that day. It was time to finish the fight... Heck... That was like 2 weeks ago.

Before the launch, there was the believe events, where they gave out a piece of the Halo3 kit at each event. Here's a picture of us queuing up at the first believer event. (From left to right: SpideySky, Macbiff, AbbiyR, Unknown queue cutter and then me!)

Then, which event would be complete with Master Chief??

And of course, we can't really pass up the opportunity to take a picture with Master Chief right? (Right to Left: Me, Macbiff, Master Chief, AbbiyR, SpideySky and Xenoguardian)

All in all, I managed to collect all the 4 Halo3 kits and that, serves a sweet purpose. I'll let you know why in my future post! Here's a pic of the cool vest I've got!

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