Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Long Time No Post


Been quite some time since my last post. The folks at the company I'm working for restricted access to Too bad... I always have the habit of posting during office hours. Somehow it made the time pass faster.

Anyway, quite a fair bit happened over these 2 months but I guess the highlight was the WCG2007. We lost but had some real fun there. I'll talk more about the event when I'm free. Here's 2 pics first.

From left to right: Stoener, Donut, Killerway, Me, SpideySky and Fantod
It was nice of Stoener and Donut to come down and support us even though they were not playing. Thanks to AbbiyR and Punkercut who came down as well but couldn't stay till the entire thing was over. :)

And this is me trying to play Woman (Hard) on Guitar Hero II

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